Type of trading accounts & assets available
  • 20 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

Type of trading accounts & assets available

Article summary

Before subscribing to Darwinex Zero, you will be asked to choose the assets you want to trade and the trading platform you would like to use.

You can trade CFDs on Forex, commodities, indices, US stocks & ETFs, CME futures and trade on MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5.

You can visualize the full list here

AssetPlatform available
CFDs on ForexMetaTrader 4&5
CFDs on CommoditiesMetaTrader 4&5
CFDs on IndicesMetaTrader 4&5
CFDs on US StocksMetaTrader 5
CFDs on US ETFsMetaTrader 5
FuturesMetaTrader 5
Cash Us stocks & ETFsMetaTrader 5

Therefore, there are 4 type of accounts depending on the assets and platforms available:

  • CFD account in MetaTrader 4, where you can trade forex, commodities and indices.
  • CFD account in MetaTrader 5, where you can trade forex, commodities and indices, as well as US stocks and ETFs.
  • Futures account in MetaTrader 5.
  • Cash US stocks & ETFs in MetaTrader 5.


CFDs on Forex

We currently offer 42 currency fx pairs.

CFDs on Commodities

Darwinex Zero offers access to 4 USD denominated CFDs on commodities. These are:

XAGUSD: Silver
XNGUSD: Natural Gas
XTIUSD: West Texas Crude

CFDs on Indices

We currently offer CFDs on 10 of the world's most important indices:

AUS200: ASX 200 (Australia)
FCHI40: CAC 40 (France)
GDAXI: DAX (Germany)
J225: Nikkei 225 (Japan)
NDX: Nasdaq 100 (USA)
SPA35: Ibex 35 (Spain)
SPX500: S&P 500 (USA)
STOXX50E: Eurostoxx 50 (Eurozone)
UK100: FTSE 100 (UK)
WS30; Dow Jones Industrial Average (USA)

CFDs on US Stocks

Darwinex Zero currently offers direct market access (DMA) to the 30 DJIA constituent stocks and to a selection of CFDs of the most liquid NYSE and Nasdaq stocks.

In total, we offer access to approx 800 US stocks.


Darwinex Zero offers access to approx 100 US ETFs from the main ETF providers, such as Vanguard, iShares, Invesco, etc.


Darwinex Zero provides access in a wide range of CME and Eurex futures on different asset classes: fx, industrial commodities, agricultural commodities, metals, indices fixed income, and Bitcoin.

Cash US stock & ETFs

The list of cash US stocks & ETFs available is the same range available in CFD format.

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